A Human Machine Interface (HMI), equipped with a Touch Screen and Color Graphic display, is becoming the industry standard and can be found from home automation to complex industrial equipment. HMI enables companies to enhance their products look and feel, improve visibility, and increases functionality. It also helps companies to differentiate their products for wider market appeal. NTX Embedded can collaborate with your existing team to add a great HMI to any device.

HMI devices contain embedded electronics that are designed to control all of the complex features of the system, including touch screen and color graphic displays, and these features have significantly increased the demand for HMI data-handling and processing. NTX’s embedded single board solutions are designed specifically to support these new generation HMI applications. Our embedded single board solutions are fully tested and ready for production deployment. We can also work with our customers to reconfigure our standard designs to meet their unique requirements and specifications. In this semi-custom design, we leverage our standard solution to springboard the design, reducing time to market, minimizing design risk and lowering development cost. With our knowledge of embedded system design, we can also design an original system from the ground up if our standard or semi-custom solution does not fit your need. We can consider all manufacturing complexities during the design process through use of our unique manufacturing capability for embedded HMI systems, improving the design efficiency and quality of the final product.

NTX Embedded can provide end-to-end services: we can conceptualize, facilitate, and design the embedded electronics, the middleware and software for the HMI system. However, we believe collaboration with our customer is the best way to achieve success. We view ourselves as an extension to our customer’s engineering team, and we can participate as supplemental resources anywhere in the process.

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[minti_category_image image=”1673″ height=”164px” url=”https://ntxembedded.com/spada-2/”]Spada [/minti_category_image]
[minti_category_image image=”2588″ height=”164px” url=”https://ntxembedded.com/embedded-hmi-solutions/zeewolf-2/”]ZeeWolf [/minti_category_image]
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